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Lord, Listen To A Failed Town Crier’s Voice (Pt2)

Dear Father,

The other day your son was listening to a stranger on one of our town criers’ station and what he heard about the people in this village was so true. The stranger came from Oga Land and by the he is a motivational speaker. But there was one thing that stranger said about people from this village that really made a lot of sense.

Father, the stranger said most people in this village believe that the reason for their present state or condition is because nobody has reached out to help them. In other words, they believe that every successful young man or woman is only successful because he or she is getting help from someone. And that person will just keep giving them regardless of how they spend it.

The stranger also stated even where the help is provided for some, they still complained, saying that they have not done much because what they have gotten is limited and can’t do anything. It is like the proverbial saying where the guy wants you to find him a woman, rent him a room, buy him mattress and even bring the woman and lay her down on the bed for him and shout at him saying lie down- that is the kind of help they need.

And so they look at every successful person who tries to make it out there as being only successful because of the continual push they are getting from other sources. And so they go on blaming everybody for their failure and within them are the spirit of envies and jealousies.

Another thing about such people is that through these envies and jealousies they become rumor mongers, saying things they know nothing about, they are very corrupt to the teeth and black mailing and double standards are their ways. But the good news is such people never prosper, because they believe their successes lie in the hands of others who they think are unwilling to release it. But the little help they get is all on big cars and women.

Father, what many of our people in this village don’t realize is that no man carries the destiny of another. The fact that an uncle or aunty or even your father or mother, brother or sister was able to help you at certain level in life, let say your education, and maybe up to high school, is not an excuse for you to not find a way to the University on your own.

For some their cries are: “since, I graduated from high school nobody to help me to go to the University. My father, mother, brother, sister, aunty or uncle says he or she does not have money again to help me that is why I am stuck.” But the point do you go on blaming somebody who has brought you thus far and there are clear evidence that, that person can no longer afford to help you, at that level, do you still blame them.

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Father, the stranger concluded that it was all laziness and most of the people in this village always want free ride. They always want a relative from Uncle Sam’s village or elsewhere to help and if that person does not do so, that trouble. They never look beyond the presence which is the future and prepare for it. They always think that opportunity will still be there to exploit.

That is why most of them fail miserably in life, yet they blame others, like the town criers who believe that the only reason why your son is being successful in such a short while is because of the help he is getting from somewhere. But they failed to also understand that let assume for a second that your son was getting help from somewhere and was not managing such helps, don’t you think when that help runs out he is also out of the picture.

Father, your son sincerely believe that anyone who does not consider first acknowledging the Almighty God, and be honest to oneself and apply discipline or wisdom in whatever you do, you will always remain a beggar, blaming everyone for your failure.

Many people think the help will always be there so they mismanage what have been entrusted with them-this is while you have a lot of money people’s children running around without a high school diploma and people pointing figures at them saying: “that boy or girl is from a very rich family but look at him now.” They all felt that the money wouldn’t have ran out, so why waste my time to prepare for the days that this will run out.

Father, your son has purpose in his heart to manage whatever little he has. The reason being that, if you went to a bank or somebody for help and the help came and you were able to manage it well, the person will rather choose to entrust you with more because the confidence is there that whatsoever you are entrusted with that you will manage. It is like the parable of the tenants in the Good Old Book, which your believe in so much.

Father, it is of no secret that the greatest problem we have in this village is managing what we have and using it wisely. So, you see a man who had money before like he has not handle a dime before. For some people the more money they have the more problem they get into.

Father, all in all, let these failed town criers continue their cries, for it will help them. There are many who have been entrusted with thousands of Uncle Sam’s money as grant to run their institutions, but they bought big, big cars, today, the cars are no more and the institutions have collapsed, what a loss opportunity, such town criers are doomed for life time poverty.

This is all due to lack of managerial skills and self financial discipline. But like your son said before, they haven’t seen anything yet-Because in this business, and with God above, the sky will be his limit.

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