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GeneralLiberia news

Liberia hosts 6th All Men’s Conference

By Kruah Thompson

In a notable collaboration spearheaded by the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection, in conjunction with local and international #HeForShe campaigners and supported by partners, Liberia hosted the sixth All Men’s Conference in commemoration of International Men’s Day (IMD).

The Conference, held on Friday, December 8, at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Congo Town, brought together participants from various high schools in Monrovia, civil society organizations, partners, and the Liberian media in a one-day interaction.

The gathering extended its reach to other counties across Liberia, aligning with activities during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, demonstrating a dedicated effort to combat GBV nationwide.

It delved into critical issues such as gender-based violence, positive masculinity, and challenges faced by men.

International Men’s Day, celebrated globally under the theme “Zero Male Suicide,” adopted by Liberia as “Stop Male Suicide, End Violence Against Women, Girls, and Children,” emphasized multifaceted objectives. 

These include promoting positive male role models, celebrating men’s positive contributions to society, focusing on men’s health and well-being, improving gender relations, and promoting gender equality. The overarching goal was to create a safer, better world where individuals can reach their full potential.

Speaking during the occasion, Tamba F. J. Johnson, founder and national coordinator of HeForShe Liberia and co-founder of the International Men’s Day celebration in Liberia, highlighted the crucial need to address male mental health. 

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Johnson drew attention to the correlation between mental health issues and the rise in sexual gender-based violence, emphasizing the necessity to initiate discussions around mental health disorders in Liberia.

 He called for government support, emphasizing that neglecting male mental health could lead to increased violence in communities.

International Men’s Day, he explained, serves the dual purpose of acknowledging positive male contributions and raising awareness about male mental health.

 Johnson stressed the role of the government in protecting all citizens, particularly in the realm of mental health, saying “The day serves as a platform to flag the issue of male mental health and hold governments accountable for the well-being of their citizens.”

He noted that the All Men Conference in Liberia proved to be a significant initiative, addressing crucial aspects of men’s well-being and societal contributions.

Noting that it is not only to celebrate positive masculinity but collective efforts to combat gender-based violence and promote a safer, more equitable society. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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