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House declines BAO CHICO Agreement

By Bridgett Milton

The House of Representatives has declined to work on a bill submitted by the Liberian Senate titled: “An Act to Ratify the Mineral Development Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Liberia and BAO CHICO Resources of Liberia LTD.’’ 

The Liberian Senate on 2 November 2021 wrote the House of Representatives seeking its concurrence on a bill that was passed by the upper house in session early this month.

Making the motion, Lofa County Electoral District #3 Representative Clarence Massaquoi moved that the House decline works on the bill coming from the Liberian Senate.

Representative Massaquoi’s contention is that all bills that have to do with revenue and finance originate from the House.

Montserrado County Electoral District #8 Representative Acarous Gray said in no way would the House of Representatives want to obstruct the function of the Liberian Senate by calling in appointed officials for confirmation, a task which only the Senate can perform.

Representative Gray argued that Article 34 (d) Section (I) is clear that all revenue bills or financial instruments originate from the House of Representatives and not the Senate.

He said the Liberian Senate by the Constitution has no authority to act on a revenue bill and send it to the House of Representatives.

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Gray suggested that it is time that the House of Representatives reminds the Senate of its function and also communicate to the Executive to submit all revenue bills to the House of Representatives and not the Senate.

Article 34 d (I) states that all revenue bills, whether subsidies, charges, imports, duties or taxes, and other financial bills shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills.–Edited by Winston W. Parley

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The New Dawn is Liberia’s Truly Independent Newspaper Published by Searchlight Communications Inc. Established on November 16, 2009, with its first hard copy publication on January 22, 2010. The office is located on UN Drive in Monrovia Liberia. The New Dawn is bilingual (both English & French).
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