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GeneralLiberia news

Audit is not witch-hunting

-Methodist Bishop Samuel Quire 

By Naneka A. Hoffman 

The Bishop of the Liberia Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, Samuel Jerome Quire, is urging both the outgoing and incoming administrations of Liberia to prioritize accountability and transparency.

Bishop Quire, who also chairs the board of directors of the Faith and Justice Network, a subregional religious body, notes that the call for audits by the people of Liberia should not be perceived as an act of witch hunting or political reprisal but an essential mechanism to ensure financial integrity and accountable governance.

He encourages a collaborative effort between national governments, churches and civil society organizations in the Mano River Basin to implement comprehensive and transparent auditing processes that uphold the highest standards of accountability.

He says such measures will not only bolster public trust but also pave the way for sustained growth and development in the region.

According to him, as Liberia eagerly anticipates the inauguration of the new government on January 22, 2024, it is imperative to signal caution and awareness regarding potential concerns that may impact the stability and progress of the State.

The Methodist Bishop stressed that the incoming government must take proactive measures for the nation’s stability and facilitate constructive dialogues with youth leaders, civil society organizations, and community leaders to understand and address the underlying issues fueling glorification of misconduct in Liberia.

Bishop Quire also wants the incoming administration to initiate programs that channel the energy and enthusiasm of young people towards positive engagement, civic responsibility, and skill development, fostering a sense of purpose and contribution to nation-building.  

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He said after his inauguration on January 22, 2024, President-elect Boakai should launch educational campaigns aimed at promoting responsible citizenship, ethical conduct, and the importance of peaceful engagement among the youth, emphasizing the value of dialogue and civic responsibility.

He urged leaders at all levels to model behaviors that uphold the principles of ethical engagement, respect for the rule of law, and peaceful resolution of differences, serving as examples for the younger generation. 

He said as a united country, it is incumbent upon all Liberians to take proactive measures to swiftly address these concerns, adding that by nurturing a culture of responsible citizenship, ethical engagement, and constructive dialogue, Liberians can safeguard the nation’s unity, progress, and prosperity. 

“Let us work together to instill values that will propel us towards a brighter, more unified future as we embark on this new chapter in our nation’s history.”

He called on the wider Christian community to make faith be the cornerstone of its actions, adding that as we enter 2024, let’s reaffirm our commitment to love, compassion, and service to others. 

“Our faith binds us together in a shared purpose, empowering us to be beacons of hope and agents of positive change”, he said.

He reminded all citizens and foreign residents that they are an integral part of the country’s vibrant and diverse community, urging “Let’s embrace the spirit of togetherness, fostering an environment of understanding, respect, and collaboration. Together, let us strive for a Liberia that thrives on unity, diversity, and collective progress.”

Meanwhile, board of directors of the Faith and Justice Network has extended condolences to the families and community affected by the devastating fuel tanker explosion in Totota, Lower Bong County on Tuesday, December 26, 2023.

Bishop Quire noted that the loss of over 60 precious lives in this incident is an immense tragedy that has deeply shaken all. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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